Shamanix Journeywork

In this sacred space we invite you to explore body, heart, mind, and spirit. Immerse yourself in shamanix journeying, a transformative practice awakening your inner wisdom. Rooted in Core Shamanism by Michael Harner, supported by my own ancestral practices, our journey work embraces captivating voyages to otherworldly realms, offering profound experiences in this mystical tradition.

Discover Your Power Animal

Connect with your very own Power Animal, your guide and protector on the extraordinary path of journey work. Through our safe and nurturing sessions, you'll learn to traverse the Lower World and encounter the profound teachings that await you. Unleash your hidden potential as you forge a profound bond with your Animal Guide. 

Remote Sessions for Your Convenience: Our 90-minute remote sessions are conducted through Zoom, effortlessly bringing the mystical realm to your doorstep. Experience the wonders of shamanic journeying from the comfort of your own sacred space. 

Meet Your Teacher*

Take your journeying to new heights as you venture into the Upper World. Here, you will meet your Teacher, a wise and ethereal being who will impart invaluable knowledge and guidance. Embrace the teachings that illuminate your path and empower your spiritual growth. 

*prerequisite "Discover Your Power Animal

Remote Sessions for Your Convenience: Our 90-minute remote sessions are conducted through Zoom, effortlessly bringing the mystical realm to your doorstep. Experience the wonders of shamanic journeying from the comfort of your own sacred space. 

Psychopomp Work**

Engaging in psychopomp work provides an opportunity for spiritual growth. It allows you to explore the mystical and unseen realms, expanding your understanding of the interconnectedness of life and death. 

**prerequisite "Discover Your Power Animal" & "Meet your Wise Teacher"

Remote Sessions for Your Convenience: Our 90-minute remote sessions are conducted through Zoom, effortlessly bringing the mystical realm to your doorstep. Experience the wonders of shamanic journeying from the comfort of your own sacred space. 

Energetic Intrusion Removals

Energetic intrusion removal is a spiritual and energy healing practice focused on identifying and releasing negative energies attached to an individual's aura. These energies can disrupt physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual well-being. Based on the belief that individuals absorb energies from their surroundings or unresolved issues, this practice targets feelings of heaviness, fatigue, anxiety, depression, or physical discomfort.

Remote Sessions for Your Convenience: Our 90 min remote session is conducted through Zoom, effortlessly bringing the mystical realm to your doorstep. Experience the wonders of shamanic journeying from the comfort of your own sacred space. 

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval helps restore fragmented aspects of an individual's soul, often due to trauma or life challenges. It is a common belief in shamanism that during traumatic experiences, a person may lose parts of their soul essence, leading to feelings of disconnection, emptiness, or unfulfilled potential. By journeying into the spiritual realms, shamanic practitioners locate and retrieve these lost soul fragments, reintegrating them into the individual's being. 

Remote Sessions for Your Convenience: Our 2 hour remote session is conducted through Zoom, effortlessly bringing the mystical realm to your doorstep. Experience the wonders of shamanic journeying from the comfort of your own sacred space.