About Me

Welcome Curious Kin

as an Animist, Eclectic, and Intermundium, I have come to know and embrace the cycles of Life, Loss, and Liminality 

drawing inspiration & wisdom from the ancient Curanderx and Cunningfolx, I honor my mixed heritage and intentionally weave what I rediscover into my practice

aided by Shamanism, journeying has allowed me to gleaning new connections and understandings with the aid of my Ancestors & Helping Spirits

walking a Path of Remembrance, communing with the wisdom of  Flora, Fauna, and Fungi, I forge sacred bonds with all kith and kin. through these connections I learn how to work with wise Plantcestors to nurture and support the subtle body

encountering Death has shown me how transformative Grief is in the Remembering

by exploring creative expressions, I honor what was, allowing me to grow and flow through the process, opening myself to possibilities

as a humxn who has experienced abuse, neurodiversity, and chronic illness; I have experienced first hand how herbalism, deathwork, and shamanix practices transform the body, heart, mind, and spirit

like the mycelium that lays within the forest floor, I am dedicated to building nurturing and supportive relationships

together, let's explore paths that reconnect us with our own wells of wisdom and the alchemist that dwells within

~ Juanita🦋Juanie

Reach out for more information or book a session today!

hidden hollow holistix - for Life, Loss, and Liminality